Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog 2

The article “Hype” illustrates the aggressive advertising strategies by corporate American businesses. In all aspects of the day we can no longer escape product advertisements or emblems.  The article states facts to the new areas ads have transcended upon, such as shopping carts at groceries stores, candy and soda ads in the classrooms, as well as an ad being on the gas pump at the gas station. Corporate America has expanded its ordinary consumer targets to also aiming for the developing youth, from popular theme songs in commercials to compelling figures on massive billboards while trying to escape to the countryside. The evolution of marketing and broadcasting products in unusual spaces is just beginning  of aggressive approaches by corporate America.

blog 1

In the article “Hype”, the author conveys the idea of relentless advertising
tactics by various corporations and businesses. The methods and strategies have in
time advanced from larger visual points of reference to now more unusual smaller
areas. Nonetheless, opening the lines of communication to a more wide range
demographic. The aggressive strategy has left very few outlets of peace in urban and
rural civilizations, in specifically North America.
Firstly, in the article the author illustrates the evolution of advertising in now
more uncommon areas. The author states in the article, “no longer are ads confined
to the usual places: buses, billboards, stadiums…you fill up your car with gas, and
there’s an ad on the nozzle.’” The quote from the article illuminates the idea of
growth in advertising industry. Football stadiums and arenas are no longer the only
points of reference for major corporations to market the product. Billboards at the
gas station are now just one of many resources to advertise.
In closing, the evolution of marketing and advertising is targeting a wide
range audience. Children from toddler to teenagers are now becoming the priority
for certain massive corporations. Marketing and advertising for increases profit for
certain businesses, which increases the opportunity of employment. Employment
increasing deduces poverty and crime in urban and rural areas. The idea of the
overwhelming and inescapable marketing and advertising strategies is beneficial.