Thursday, May 17, 2012

catw passing sheet

After reading the essay thoroughly, I have to discover the main ideas of the passage, particularly 3. Then chose my thesis and decide whether I concur with the authors ideas. I have a hard time choosing the subjects of my body paragraph as well as the examples to represent my thesis. I need to have flow and stay on the subject of the essay and not stray away on my own tangent regarding my own ideas without examples representing them. My spelling needs to sharp and my examples need to be concrete and lucid. I have to stay the course and make sure there is development from the introduction of my essay through the conclusion. Continue to use transitions in the beginning of a paragraph and sentences to close out paragraphs. Direction throughout the essay and finish within a timely manner after reading over the essay.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

intro to catw 2

In the article, “In Groups We Shrink”, by Carol Tavris illustrates the idea of individual’s personalities changing once among a group. Conveying, that one’s actions completely differ from when alone in comparison to when in attendance with other individuals during a time crisis or climactic matters. I concur with the author’s notion of a person’s reaction with or without a group having more to do with the group dynamic or “the nature of the groups than the nature of the individuals”.  The gravity of a situation can create great trepidation when a group is established and the occurrence is random. A poised individual attending to a task at hand can be vacillated when case of an emergency which will delay a response. Whens roles are places within a group, the actions cared out can create movement or stagnation within a group. During sporting events, security is provided to prevent any interference to occur during the event taking place. However, on occasion the event can be interrupted by a very inebriated individual.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Catw practice

In the article “How your birth order influences your life adjustment,” by Lucille Forer, the idea of a child’s development based upon their family is accurate in most cases. I agree with the claim of the role in the family based upon the order he or she was conceived, will impact a child’s psychology. A child being able I to understand and communicate his strengths and weaknesses, will develop skills that enable himself to work well with others. The eldest and only child’s roles are most similar in regards to the idea of humility being suppressed from their youth and the shift of responsibility. Which leaves the youngest emotionally interdependent upon dynamic within his immediate environment. When only syndrome comes into play within most relationships, its usually irritable to anyone outside the immediate family.

                Firstly, the independence of an only child can have negative or positive impact. Developing the idea of being decisive from the early stages of youth, aids the transition of being able to relate and get along with others. In relation to the oldest sibling, establishing the confidence and responsibility of a leader, due to the role established during childhood via his parents. However, when not in a comfortable situation, the stubbornly resilient bravado takes its toll and the ability to convey the need of assistance is obsolete. My older brother found it difficult to convey that he needed to come home to become more grounded and stable. Thus, he moved to the southwest and until recent established a more balance lifestyle, in terms of religion, occupation and family. Moreover, the middle child role can either set the president of a will to prove worthy or extremely self –indulgent due to the family role of assistance being very available.  

                In addition, the family dynamic of role establishment provides the opportunity to flourish because parental nurturing and sibling hierarchy. Growing up with two brothers, I obtained the role as the middle child at very young age. The ability to understand the division of nurturing at a young age was beneficial in regards to me not obtaining selfish but selfless attitude towards others. Being able to fathom the idea of humility and the appropriate time to express runs parallel with the role of the middle child. However, becoming complacent with someone being there when you need them enables a lack of responsibility which has a relation to the development of the youngest sibling.

                In closing, the maturation of the last conceived is critically based upon the family dynamic. Whether its pressure to do well due to your older siblings flourish or not quite acting upon their potential, the pressure exist. Establishing a consistent behavior pattern of around the clock nurturing and assistance can be an unable by the lack of independence developed. Until recently my younger brother needed and yearned for family attention while away at college. I expressed to him until he finds what is important to him, he’ll consistently need guidance.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

hero #9

Hero Blog

            In a world where weakness is preyed upon and efforts are valued, there is very little room for era for a “Hero”. I agree with the notion that a hero is someone who commits heroic acts, however, I also believe that a hero is someone within moments, who inspires others to discover and excel progressively at their own passions. In any sporting event there are usually individuals who inspire others to work and master their craft, due to their efforts or god given ability. Whether its results from an extensive amount of research or inspiring others with innovative strategies within any artistic realms, individuals have the ability to inspire others to unravel their passion for excelling within the academic realms. Relationships are essential to personal development, whether within the home environment or close friends and colleagues; an individual has the capability to encourage other to use moral character within their personality. The sporting arena for ages has been the stage for a hero to exemplify his fortitude.

            In the movie Gladiator, Russell Crowe inspired everyone from older merchants to children who aspire to be great warriors and show will and determination. Fighting to live in an arena of rabid tigers on chains and multiple or giant men serve as great inspiration to all spectators. Football being America’s most popular sport, Monday night is center stage for an NFL Quarterback who bring his team back from a two touchdown deficit entering the last two minutes of regulation, to inspire children who can understand the concept of team work and resilience during a sporting event. Heroic athletes also inspire men who have families to support on a blue collar yearly wage in an industrial small town, Monday give them the opportunity to live vicariously through the Quarterback rallying his troops out of the trenches. Innovative artist during the Italian Renaissance, inspired followers of their craft think outside the box.
            Artist such as Leonardo Di Vinci and Raphael, were highly regarded artists during the Italian Renaissance for creating master pieces such the sculpture of David and the Mona Lisa, these pieces presently serve as motivation for up and coming artist. The passionate valiant efforts of these artists serve as a tool to encourage people within the art realm to ascend at aspect of their life that they are passionate about. During a performing art show while at boarding school, the euphoric sound of listening to a fellow school mate sing a song with passion that I was not familiar with inspired me to put my heart into performing arts.

            In conclusion, the idea of everyone being a hero serve as a subjective belief, depending on the individual. Being cognizant of your surrounding and everyday experiences help you develop as a person, due to inspiration occurrence that take place. A man saving a child from a lion’s den does not occur every day.  A man working every day to support a stable household or a woman living out her childhood dream of performing in front of a mass of people is more likely to occur, which inspires a person to live with as well as seek passion.

Monday, April 23, 2012

music #2

In the article “Is music a good tool for health?” by Elizabeth Scott, illustrates the beneficial influence of music on the mind and body. I concur with the notion of “music therapy is growing in popularity” music being implemented into the medical practices has benefited individuals and families. The sound of music establishes a rhythm that allows adults and children of all ages to maintain focus and productive activity. Medicinal music therapy is also beneficial in terms of health for individuals whom struggle with depression to develop more positive mind set. High tempo music with catching melodies can energize just about any individual.

Firstly, in most if not all fitness gyms different genres of music is implemented in the back ground for individuals who come to increase their health and fitness. In addition, these fitness facilities have the option of group work out classes for individuals who come to get shape and maintain great health within a group usually to push themselves to the extreme. In one specific instance, I recall participating in a Spinning class in a smaller room with about 25 other people, who seemed to be all in decent physical shape and serious about their health and figure. The volume of the music comfortably loud and the tempo changed accord to the speed the instructor wanted the class to pedal. By the ending of the class, I was pouring with sweat and felt as though I accomplished a great work beneficial for my mind and health. High tempo music accelerates my heart, efforts and poise during physical and arduous activities. Thus increasing my fitness and health, nevertheless, music is similarly beneficial in times needed of relaxation.

         In addition, music can also be to your advantage in situations of anxiety and stress. Slow to medium mellow beats and tempo assist your present heart rate during cases in which this type of music is being played. Often times of shopping during the holiday, calming and cheerful music is played within shops and malls to set joyful atmosphere for consumers to assuage any individual stress within a frantic environment. Moreover, on the subject of music alleviating stress, personally during times of high performance whether during finals week in the academic environment or my high volume work setting, calming music while en route to my destination helps me develop and maintain poise to carry out my expected duties.

         In closing, life unexpected turns are parallel to our environments provided tunes. Hospitals developing melodic remedies for patients struggling with depression, pain, stress and fatigue, illuminates our psychological evolution in science. In retrospect, diversifying my taste in different genres of music have only benefited my personal social and emotional development, by helping me maintain a calm and collected persona as well as a positive healthy individual to be around.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Music blog 6

In the article “Is music a good tool for health?” by Elizabeth Scott, illustrates the beneficial influence of music on the mind and body. I concur with the notion of “music therapy is growing in popularity” music being implemented into the medical practices has benefited individuals and families. The sound of music establishes a rhythm that allows adults and children of all ages to maintain focus and productive activity. Medicinal music therapy is also beneficial in terms of health for individuals whom struggle with depression to develop more positive mind set. High tempo music with catching melodies can energize just about any individual.

Firstly, in most if not all fitness gyms different genres of music is implemented in the back ground for individuals who come to increase their health and fitness. In addition, these fitness facilities have the option of group work out classes for individuals who come to get shape and maintain great health within a group usually to push themselves to the extreme. In one specific instance, I recall participating in a Spinning class in a smaller room with about 25 other people, who seemed to be all in decent physical shape and serious about their health and figure. The volume of the music comfortably loud and the tempo changed accord to the speed the instructor wanted the class to pedal. By the ending of the class, I was pouring with sweat and felt as though I accomplished a great work beneficial for my mind and health. High tempo music accelerates my heart, efforts and poise during physical and arduous activities. Thus increasing my fitness and health, nevertheless, music is similarly beneficial in times needed of relaxation.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog 2

The article “Hype” illustrates the aggressive advertising strategies by corporate American businesses. In all aspects of the day we can no longer escape product advertisements or emblems.  The article states facts to the new areas ads have transcended upon, such as shopping carts at groceries stores, candy and soda ads in the classrooms, as well as an ad being on the gas pump at the gas station. Corporate America has expanded its ordinary consumer targets to also aiming for the developing youth, from popular theme songs in commercials to compelling figures on massive billboards while trying to escape to the countryside. The evolution of marketing and broadcasting products in unusual spaces is just beginning  of aggressive approaches by corporate America.

blog 1

In the article “Hype”, the author conveys the idea of relentless advertising
tactics by various corporations and businesses. The methods and strategies have in
time advanced from larger visual points of reference to now more unusual smaller
areas. Nonetheless, opening the lines of communication to a more wide range
demographic. The aggressive strategy has left very few outlets of peace in urban and
rural civilizations, in specifically North America.
Firstly, in the article the author illustrates the evolution of advertising in now
more uncommon areas. The author states in the article, “no longer are ads confined
to the usual places: buses, billboards, stadiums…you fill up your car with gas, and
there’s an ad on the nozzle.’” The quote from the article illuminates the idea of
growth in advertising industry. Football stadiums and arenas are no longer the only
points of reference for major corporations to market the product. Billboards at the
gas station are now just one of many resources to advertise.
In closing, the evolution of marketing and advertising is targeting a wide
range audience. Children from toddler to teenagers are now becoming the priority
for certain massive corporations. Marketing and advertising for increases profit for
certain businesses, which increases the opportunity of employment. Employment
increasing deduces poverty and crime in urban and rural areas. The idea of the
overwhelming and inescapable marketing and advertising strategies is beneficial.